Resistance: fall of Magic


Фабиан Пруэтт

Возраст: 36 лет (1947 г.р.)
Статус крови: чистокровный
Род деятельности: Орден Феникса, организатор шпионской сети в новом мире, исследователь и ученый
Основные факты: : Раньше Фэб был импульсивным, беспокойным и беспечным, веселым и по-хорошему сумасшедшим, впрочем, иногда и по-плохому. Сейчас он другой. Замкнувшийся в себе, сосредоточенный, желающий отомстить. Он создал собственную секретную лабораторию, где создает что-то новое, пытаясь превзойти наработки приспешников Лорда. Обладает даром маскировки, конечно, не без своих изобретений. В одной из вылазок, в которой вместе с братьями оказалась Марлин, попали в ловушку, организованную ПСами. Гидеона отбить не удалось. Винит ли он себя или Марлин, сложно сказать, скорее всего, и себя, и ее.

Чем больше времени она проводила в этом мире, из которого так стремилась сбежать, тем быстрее таяла ее уверенность в том, что все получится, что составленный план удастся, и она убережет сына от той участи, что готовит ему Люциус, а заодно и обретет свободу, мечты о которой только начали возрождаться.
(с) Нарцисса Малфой

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Вы здесь » Resistance: fall of Magic » Утилизатор » STOP. War in Ukraine. Appeal to Users

STOP. War in Ukraine. Appeal to Users

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Hello Members,

I wonder how to reach the consciousness of the Russians and make them realize that every day in Ukraine RUSSIAN SOLDIERS DIE and military equipment is being destroyed on a mass scale. Why destroy and demolish when you can build and create a new, better world.
WAR is suffering, crying, sadness and death, do you have any ideas to convince Russians that Vladimir Putin should retire, bask in the sun somewhere in warm countries and end this bloody conflict in Europe.

It is a great idea to select random companies from Russia on Google business cards and add opinions about anti-war content and make people in the country aware that Putin is doing wrong.

Please take a moment to select a random company on the Google map and add your opinion about anti-war content.

It is also worth informing Russians about the possibility of VPN connections because Russia is blocking a lot of content on the Internet and sowing sinister propaganda by not giving people access to real information

Peace be with you!
Thank you
Tomasz Jerzy Michałowski



Hello Members,

I wonder how to reach the consciousness of the Russians and make them realize that every day in Ukraine RUSSIAN SOLDIERS DIE and military equipment is being destroyed on a mass scale. Why destroy and demolish when you can build and create a new, better world.
WAR is suffering, crying, sadness and death, do you have any ideas to convince Russians that Vladimir Putin should retire, bask in the sun somewhere in warm countries and end this bloody conflict in Europe.

It is a great idea to select random companies from Russia on Google business cards and add opinions about anti-war content and make people in the country aware that Putin is doing wrong.

Please take a moment to select a random company on the Google map and add your opinion about anti-war content.

It is also worth informing Russians about the possibility of VPN connections because Russia is blocking a lot of content on the Internet and sowing sinister propaganda by not giving people access to real information

Peace be with you!
Thank you
Tomasz Jerzy Michałowski



Hello Members,

I wonder how to reach the consciousness of the Russians and make them realize that every day in Ukraine RUSSIAN SOLDIERS DIE and military equipment is being destroyed on a mass scale. Why destroy and demolish when you can build and create a new, better world.
WAR is suffering, crying, sadness and death, do you have any ideas to convince Russians that Vladimir Putin should retire, bask in the sun somewhere in warm countries and end this bloody conflict in Europe.

It is a great idea to select random companies from Russia on Google business cards and add opinions about anti-war content and make people in the country aware that Putin is doing wrong.

Please take a moment to select a random company on the Google map and add your opinion about anti-war content.

It is also worth informing Russians about the possibility of VPN connections because Russia is blocking a lot of content on the Internet and sowing sinister propaganda by not giving people access to real information

Peace be with you!
Thank you
Tomasz Jerzy Michałowski


Вы здесь » Resistance: fall of Magic » Утилизатор » STOP. War in Ukraine. Appeal to Users

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